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The Ceramics Museum in Ludwigsburg Palace

This world-class collection is more than just lovely vases, cups and mugs. From colorful majolica to delicate porcelain, the 2,000 objects on display provide insight into the past.

Kinder schauen auf prunkvolle Auslagen im Keramikmuseum
© Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten, Fuchs 
Blick auf eine königliche Prunkvase
© Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten, Thomas Wagner 

Much more than pretty china

These are artworks in their own right. The richly-decorated plates and table settings recall the splendor of 18th-century aristocratic meals. The array includes charming animals, costumed figurines and stately urns from the Rococo period, as well as fine examples of ceramics from important 19th-century manufacturers.

Insider Tips

  • Architectural tip: In the museum galleries, note the Baroque stucco work and ceiling frescoes, which provide the perfect backdrop for the collection.
  • Hands-on tip: In his workshop in the museum, Japanese master ceramicist Kenji Fuchiwaki demonstrates how ceramics are made. You can even work at the potter’s wheel and get advice from Kenji himself. Your creations will be finished and glazed the way you want and then fired.

Prices, opening hours & information

Tickets & prices

There are several categories of tickets. You can visit just the palace or an individual museum. Check out the well-priced combination tickets. For example, when you purchase admission to the palace and a museum, the special ticket is valid for two successive days.More informations:

Combination tickets
Category Palace ticket Additional museum ticket
Adults € 10.00 € 4.00
Reduced rate € 5.00 € 2.00
Family rate € 25.00 € 10.00
Groups of 20 or more (per person) € 9.00 € 3.60

Opening hours



The Ceramics Museum itself is barrier-free. To reach it, there is a special elevator/lift. If needed, Palace staff can provide a wheelchair and someone to accompany you.

Contact us

Ceramics Museum (Keramikmuseum)
Schloss Ludwigsburg
Schlossstraße 30
71634 Ludwigsburg
Tel: +49 7141 186400
Fax: +49 7141 186450

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